Tuesday, April 1, 2008


OK, I want to start by saying that I love each and every one of my faithful readers, so I think I should let the cat out of the bag.

I posted my last post to this blog this morning before I ventured out to work. Naturally, I sent out emails to all my family and friends that advised them to look at the blog. Why go to the blog when I just could have sent it in the email, you may ask. Well, email is still a little quirky in that I may format an email one way and it will be received another, but the webpage or blog page formats exactly the way I want it to all readers and the format is what is key here.

In the previous post, I started off with two key words that are in all caps and bold face - PAYING ATTENTION. That coupled with the date (ie. April 1) should have clued people, but I didn't stop there - I also highlighted certain letters in the post. These letters are red in color and so they should stand out, but just in case, I will point them out for you...

April fools prank!

For those that know me very well, I love to do some silly and funny things or say funny things, as, my profile says, "To Zonie, life is a never ending supply of fodder for a stand up comedy routine - a little something to make others laugh. Welcome to the insanity... "

The last time I pulled an April Fool's prank, I was about 9. The night before, I laid awake in bed for a bit trying to come up with the ultimate prank and after about 30 minutes or so, I came up with not only the prank, but also the plan. Early the next morning - long before anyone else in the house - I got up, went into the kitchen, got out a glass and grabbed the sugar bowl. I proceeded to take all of the sugar out of the bowl and put it in the glass. Then I reached in the cupboard and pulled out the salt and poured the salt into the sugar bowl. I then poured the sugar back into the jar and cleaned up any evidence before returning to my bedroom. I remember laughing for what seemed an eternity.

Maybe half an hour or an hour later, my mom woke up and started my dad's coffee. Once the coffee was done, mom poured dad a cup and promptly placed two heaping teaspoons of "sugar" into the coffee. My dad took one sip and, after yelling a few explitives at my mom, wanted to know why she was trying to kill him. Mom was puzzled and took a sip of the coffee. Unbeknownst to them, I was in the kitchen laughing as hard as I could without bringing attention to myself. How wrong I was. Once I was caught, I was restricted from sugar for a year - no pre-sweetened cereal, nor sugar on my Cheerios, etc., etc.

Looking back, I really should have chosen a different prank to pull than that, but I did get the last laugh, because to this day, I still do not drink my coffee with sugar in it and I also have a dislike for sugar on my Cheerios.

So, what I am saying is that despite the fact that Lisi and I have survived one of the worst winters in Dubuque history and definitely the worst in our lives, we are staying put, at least in Dubuque. Also, I am saying that there is one rule you must remember when you have a comedian in your life - pay attention and keep looking out for that wise crack.

Peace and Love to all.


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