Tuesday, November 4, 2008

One For The History Books

Election 2008 is now in the history books and without a doubt, this election is monumental for several reasons. First America has elected its first black president, voter turnout for this election was more than any election in the last century and lastly, one party controls the White House and both houses of Congress for the first time since 1994.

Now that it is over, one would think that I would be able to get on with life, but that is simply not the case. For the first time in my life, I am actually scared of the government and the direction that this new administration is going to take us. I honestly do not trust Obama. Likewise with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. The three of them together have the power to do just about anything that they want in Washington - all without any checks and balances. Mark my words, for at least the next two years, President Obama will not use his veto power. Why would he use it when congress takes the same liberal view as he does.

I am totally fearful that the next two years, at the least, will see attacks on the Second Amendment, higher taxes for those of us that work and more entitlements for those that do not. I also foresee appointments to the US Supreme court as well as the lower courts of judges that not only take an extremely liberal interpretation of the Constitution and the laws of this country, but also legislation from the bench.

America wants change and that is what we will get, but I doubt that the change will be for the better. Entitlements, more government programs and more tax and spend. That is what we will get - same as any other liberal government.

The one good thing that I see from this election is that it is proof positive that Affirmative Action is no longer needed, but it will still be here in four years.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Rants, Raves and Reviews - November 2, 2008

Well, the month of November is upon us and though I have this inner desire to blog, I had no clue what to blog about - mainly because there is just too much. So without further adieu, here are a few rants, raves and reviews.

Reading the local paper this week, I discovered that schools across America held their "Kids Vote" elections and I was not disappointed with the results. Not that I agree with the kids, but that I fully expected that the results would turn out like they did. Obama won, thus proving that our liberal education system is once again successful in pushing their agenda and indoctrination of our children.

It is funny how politicians operate. The closer to the actual election we get, they either lie harder or the truth slips out a bit, depending on the polls. Case in point is that when things were looking really bad for Hillary, out poops the old 'when I was in Bosnia, I took three hits to my flack jacket while saving the life of the pilot and co-pilot of our plane that was shot down.' So is it any wonder that since all of the media polls are showing Obama with a bit of a lead that the truth comes about about his socialistic 'redistribution of the wealth.' First it was tax increases for those making $250K, then $200K. Biden piped in with $150K and so, not to be outdone, Obama says $100K. Why that means that a large percentage of the country will be paying more in tax so that the welfare system gets to dole out more to those that won't work. Remember comrade, "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs."

But that is not something that you will read or hear about in the mainstream media. I know, you are probably thinking that I am now beating the drum of the GOP and the media bias, but this is something that I am not alone in saying - even mainstream media is confessing that they are biased.

On the lighter side of things, Lisi and I went down to the drugstore earlier this evening and I came across something that I cannot live without - Chicken Poop. "What the hell...?" you ask, but I must confess that it is for chapped lips. I swear to you that it is real.

Lastly, I thought I would share to you something that the media (again) forgot to say - only because they are tree-hugging-Bush-bashing libs: Since the President trash canned the Executive Moratorium on Exploration on the Outer Continental Shelf in July, gas prices have continued a downward spiral of almost $2.00 per gallon - nearly half the price it was. Congress failed to follow suit, otherwise, who can imagine how low gas prices would have fallen by now. Thus proving one of the basic rules of economics - when supply exceeds demand, prices drop.

Don't forget to vote on Tuesday and for those of us that observe it, I hope you changed your clocks back to standard time. Now I am only an hour ahead of my friends and family back in Arizona.