Sunday, February 17, 2008

Here We Go Again

I know, it is the weekend and I really should be out doing something. I have photo shoots I am planning and have overdue. I really want to go fishing, go to the museum, practice my drawing or watercolor in the field or something - anything other than being cooped up in the house on a day that I am not at my "daily grind." Alas, I sit here in my home office and surf the 'net, play Dark Ages of Camelot and work on my websites and blogs. All because we are dealing with yet another cold blast of snow and ice.

Being that I am from Arizona - a place that even areas that are supposed to get snow get very little of it - driving and even walking in this stuff is very, very foreign to me. I know how to do it, but it is not yet ingrained as second nature. Therefore, for the protection of myself and others (mostly to protect others from my inexperience), I chose to stay off the roads and indoors when at all possible.

Staying indoors does have it's drawbacks of course. Naturally, these storms have been hitting late-week or on the weekend and so the only times that I have available to do the fun and relaxing things I want to do are cancelled by the weather.

I am not alone in the complaining about the weather here this winter - even the natives are a bit anxious and complaining. In my opinion, I think that means that it is a particularly bad winter, which gives me plenty of reason to complain.

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