Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Has Spring Sprung?

According to the calendar, it is mid-March. This is supposed to be the beginning of spring, but to anyone walking about in all this snow and ice, you would think that it is still winter and that there is more yet to come.

Well, Lisi and I went to our wonderful and local Irish boutique (Shamrock Imports) the other day and my how things really stay the same. I did find out that the annual St. Patricks parade has been canceled this year though, because Dubuque's finest feel it would be too dangerous with all the snow and ice out there yet. Maybe next year.

The weather is warming up a tad though. Supposed to be in the 40's all week and that should take a fair chunk of the snow with it. Most jobsites that I am on are like a mud bath now, but this melting of the winter is surely to cause a huge problem. Too fast of a melt and the river, creeks and streams are all going to flood. Won't affect us here at the house, except what gets in the basement, but will be nasty for those low-lying areas and further downriver. Will be interesting to see how this all goes down.

Lastly, I thought that I would let you all know that I am going through a bit of a musical change at the moment. To make a long story short, I will tell you that I have discovered a liking of Gaelic/Celtic music and particularly the band, Runrig. I love their style and am just plain hooked on their tunes. Even Lisi is started to get annoyed with my listening and singing their songs all the time. Oh well, she will either get to like them too or will just be annoyed.

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